My Blog

Denver Book Launch

🥂 Last Night we let the champagne flow at Wash Park Chiro! Thank you to all who came out to celebrate the publication of my book 🥰 I connected with old friends, new friends, mentors, mentees and of course my steady besties and family who have always been there FOR me...

Making Friends in Medicine

A question was posed on a social media thread today, "What is the best way to network with a medical professional as a chiropractor?". I can see how this might seem like a nerve-racking, imposter-syndrome stimulating, diving into the deep end undertaking. However,...

Choosing your Ideal Patients in a Chiropractic Practice

We all have patients who we make our day! We love treating them and they love the results they get. Some days we wish we could have an entire practice filled with clones of this patient. Well - you can! Choosing your ideal patients You may think you know who your...

How to Choose the Best Chiropractic Associateship

Securing a job as a chiropractic associate can be a a lucrative and rewarding career decision or a stepping stone to entrepreneurship! It can also be a bit overwhelming. As you are making your way through chiropractic school, you may have heard the phrase...


Finally, business school for chiropractors! With this comprehensive step-by-step guide, students and doctors alike can save time and costly mistakes. Additionally, Dr. Goodman’s philosophy will elevate the whole profession by helping us message in positive, empowering, and effective way. 

– Andrew cohen, dc, CCSP

Past President, ACA Sports Council


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