My Blog

Preparing to Survive after Chiropractic School

Simply surviving after graduating from chiropractic school is NOT the goal! You are nearly done with a grueling program that has earned you a top credential: Doctor. Yet why do I hear from so many new graduates, and doctors in practice for many years, that they do not...

How Did You Hear About our Practice?

BEFORE you ask why a patient is coming in or which provider they want to see… Are you ASKING the #1 most important question? “How did you hear about our practice?” The answer to this question is the start of your RELATIONSHIP with your patients. Did they find you...

#23 Best Job In Healthcare: Chiropractor

Chiropractor is THE BEST KEPT SECRET in health care jobs and it looks like it will continue to be. The US News and World Report Best Jobs in Health Care Report 2024 revealed chiropractic as the 23rd best job in healthcare (or the 3rd worst job in health care) on their...

Hey! I’m Dr. Lisa Goodman

I am a former advertising media manager turned chiropractic entrepreneur and author of The Manual for the Chiropractic Entrepreneur. I believe that chiropractic is the best profession in the world. And that thriving in chiropractic private practice is as simple as...


Finally, business school for chiropractors! With this comprehensive step-by-step guide, students and doctors alike can save time and costly mistakes. Additionally, Dr. Goodman’s philosophy will elevate the whole profession by helping us message in positive, empowering, and effective way. 

– Andrew cohen, dc, CCSP

Past President, ACA Sports Council


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